Use granite countertop support brackets when overhanging stone counters. Considering that granite, marble, and limestone can have overhangs weighing hundreds of pounds, and considering how brittle granite countertops can be, you need brackets to support granite. Why don’t quartz countertops need these brackets?
Granite supports can be either functional, decorative, or both depending on your granite countertop installation.
And unlike laminate countertops that do not require supports, natural stone countertops require some thought and understanding of why and how they will be used. It’s best to let an expert such as your granite fabricator determine the need for support.
Check out Legacy Brackets to see several choices for countertop support brackets and for how to support granite countertops.
Many builders and designers use decorative brackets to support the weight of granite tops and offset the downward pressure from people pushing or leaning on a cantilevered top.
These brackets can be a real pain since you tend to hit your legs on them. They may look rather unattractive too.
An alternative to decorative granite supports is to place a piece of flat 1/8 inch thick plate steel screwed and bolted to the top of the wall.
You can place holes in the plate for screws. For stone tops, use silicone to adhere the counter top to the plate. The steel plate will also protect the stone from cracking.
Countertop support choices
Hand forged granite support
You need solid support for stone tops. Here’s a selection of handmade, wrought iron and steel brackets made throughout the US.
Each is designed to support the weight of stone counters, but styled to compliment your kitchen. CountertopBracketsOnline.
Inviting Home Corbels
If your intention is to use corbels, especially sturdy, wood corbels, to support your countertop, be sure to size the corbel correctly.
The depth of your corbel must be at least 1/2 the depth of the overhang which it will support. See more decorative corbels.
Kansas Select Brackets
Wonderful ornamental countertop support brackets to support and accent your stone shelf, counter, countertop, bench or bar.
These countertop brackets give a great look and great support to your breakfast bar. . . Kansas Select Granite Support.

Fantasy Steel Supports
Handcrafted in east Tennessee, unique modern design, and built to support the weight of granite and quartz countertops.
1/4 inch steel, not breakable cast iron, these brackets are not made like soup cans, cookie sheets, or trash can lids . . . Fantasy Steel.
Shoreline Brackets
Several styles and sizes to choose from and definitely an attractive addition to your home . . . More Shoreline Granite Brackets.
Unique handmade iron granite support brackets.
Hidden Wrought Iron Brackets for Countertops
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Dress Up Your Kitchen With These
Handmade Corbels For Granite Countertops
You need solid support for stone tops. Here’s a selection of handmade, wrought iron and steel brackets and corbels for granite countertops all made in the US.
Each is designed to support the weight of stone counters, but styled to compliment your kitchen . . . More Countertop Supports
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