How can I save money on small granite tops for my house?
Fabricators have so many granite remnants left over from kitchen countertop jobs, you can make useful things out of stone all over your home –
Remnants save you money on your countertops and give you the opportunity to afford expensive stone since granite countertop remnants are so cheap.
Prices for full slab granite pieces are usually based on a menu of options. All granite colors are available.
Many contractors have remnants sitting around taking up space. They would love to get rid of them by making you a deal on a counter top especially smaller bathroom countertops.
Contractors pay for every square inch of stone in a slab. You can make great deals on remnants sometimes saving 50% off the cost of new stone.
Ask for a deal on granite leftovers. If your project is small like a granite bathroom vanity or just a small kitchen makeover, your contractor may have leftover granite, marble, and limestone.

Remnant Swap is where the pros and granite fabricators go to trade remnants with each other. It’s the best way to find the granite you want at the price you want.
For remnants in Cincinnati, Ohio, check out Mees Distributors –

Use remnants for a granite toilet base
Here’s a great use for leftover granite pieces … a granite toilet base plate from any choice of granite. Add a great finished touch to homes with hardwood floors in the bathrooms. Works with tile floors too.
Have your granite fabricator make a granite toilet base plate from any remnant. Polish the edges and cut out a hole for the flange. The plate sits on the floor set into the wood or on it and adds a real designer touch as well as color to your bathroom. Keeps moisture (sweating) off the wood too.
Do It Yourself Granite Repair Kit
Easily repair granite countertops and save hundreds with the Natural Stone Repair Kit.
Everything you need to repair granite cracks and chips. Complete instructions, do it yourself.
This unique and convenient kit was developed for the restoration and repair of granite, marble, and limestone surfaces.
This kit enables you to create most on-

Hand Forged Granite Support Brackets
What’s the best granite sealer?
The same great professional grade sealer and daily cleaner that we recommend, with the added benefit of major cost savings to you! You need both products, so how about a discount when you combine them in one purchase.
Unlike silicon sealers, MB-
Silver Kit – 1 Bottle MB5 & 1 Bottle MB4 $55.71
Gold Kit – 2 Bottles MB5 & 1 Bottle MB4 $68.72
Dress Up Your Kitchen With These
Handmade Corbels For Granite Countertops
You need solid support for stone tops. Here’s a selection of handmade, wrought iron and steel brackets and corbels for granite countertops all made in the US. More Countertop Supports
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